Proposal 1 Headed to Defeat

Proposal 1 appears to have been defeated. The ballot measure called for an increase in Michigan's 6 percent sales tax to...

Virginia-based Social Media Firm Donates $100,000 to Reduce Detroit’s Backlog of 11,000 Untested Rape Kits

A Virginia-based social media firm is giving $100,000 to reduce a backlog of 11,000 rape kits in Detroit. The donation...

Detroit Officials Looking for Groups to Adopt City Parks

Andrea Galluci Detroit officials want residents to maintain and care for 75 parks this summer. The Adopt-a-Park initiative involves volunteers like...

Police Offer Safe Zones for Craigslist Transactions

David Goehring/ CC Some police departments in Metro Detroit are offering their facilities as so-called safe zones for people conducting...

What Qualities Are Important For Our Next President?

WIth many people throwing their hat in the ring for the presidential race, Detroit Today host Stephen Henderson speaks with Liette Gidlow;...

Hop on the Bus, Gus—or Maybe Share the Ride to Work [Infographic]

There’s more than one way to get to work. Instead of driving by yourself, you could carpool, walk, bike, or...

Visual Arts, Guitar Music Meet In Mix @ The Max Performance

It’s not that Brooklyn-based musician Kaki King was tired of simply playing guitar, it’s more that she wanted her guitar...

Water Shut-offs in Huron Township

Laura Nawrocik/ CC Residents in Huron Township will be without water much of this week while crews connect a new...

Is There a Plan B, C or D for Road Funding? [Map]

The vote for Proposal 1 takes place Tuesday. The Michigan ballot initiative calls for raising the state’s sales tax from 6...

Southwest Lowriders Ride for Annual Blessing

The Cinco de Mayo parade wasn’t the only event celebrated this past weekend in Southwest Detroit. The 17th annual Blessing of...

Conservative Surgeon Ben Carson Launches Presidential Bid In Detroit

Conservative retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is jumping into the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Carson told supporters in his...

The Armenian Heritage and the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide

WDET Host Stephen Henderson is joined by University of Michigan-Dearborn Lecturer Ani Kasparian and Principal of Manoogian High School Dr....