Virginia-based Social Media Firm Donates $100,000 to Reduce Detroit’s Backlog of 11,000 Untested Rape Kits
A company called MOKO is giving $100,000 to increase investigations into Detroit’s 11,000 untested rape kits.

A Virginia-based social media firm is giving $100,000 to reduce a backlog of 11,000 rape kits in Detroit. The donation will launch a foundation with the goal of investigating hundreds of thousands of rape victims’ unmatched DNA samples across the country.
Peg Tallet is the Chief Community Engagement Officer for the Michigan Women’s Foundation. She says it can cost up to $8,000 to inspect and prosecute each kit.
“If… the perpetrator and the victim are both in Detroit, it can be fast, it can be an inexpensive process, but we know of hits in more than 30 states.”
-Peg Tallet
Tallet says the $100,000 donation from the social media firm MOKO is the largest the foundation has ever received. She says MOKO officials have pledged to pursue legislative action to bring more funding and attention to the issue.