Police Offer Safe Zones for Craigslist Transactions
Police in Metro Detroit are offering their departments as a a safe haven for users of sites like Craigslist.

Some police departments in Metro Detroit are offering their facilities as so-called safe zones for people conducting business through online sites like Craigslist. It’s something the City of Ferndale Police Department already has in place.
Ferndale Detective Lieutenant Bill Wilson says those who want to use the city’s police station need only let officers know they plan to set up a transaction there.
“A lot of times just by meeting the person here at the police station or saying that’s where they’re going to meet, you’re going to scare away any wrong doers, and it just encourages legitimate business transactions or meetings to actually take place,” Wilson says.
Wilson says officers will not participate in the actual sales. He says those arranging a transaction are welcome to meet in the police station parking lot or lobby.