The Obsidian Theatre Virtual Festival Uplifts Underrepresented Voices Through Art, Honors Diversity of Black Stories

At the core of the Obsidian Theatre Festival is the desire to amplify the diversity of Black stories across the...

Rep. Dan Kildee Says Infrastructure Investment Would Have Big Impact in Michigan

Members of Congress are gearing up for another massive spending bill. President Biden is pushing for up to $3 trillion...

Former U.S. Sen. Carl Levin’s New Memoir Recounts Storied Career

Former U.S. Sen. Carl Levin served in Washington for 36 years, from 1979 to 2015. In that time, he sponsored legislation supporting health...

RBG Co-Author Amanda L. Tyler Talks New Book “Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue”

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had an impact on American life that few Supreme Court justices are ever able to achieve during...

Check Out These March Releases From Third Man Records

Discovering new music is one of the things you’ve told us you love the most about WDET. To satisfy your...

Michigan Legislature’s Family Leave Policies Fall Behind Rest of State

The Michigan Legislature is coming under new scrutiny for its own family leave policies for lawmakers and staffers. As part of...

Detroit Expands Vaccine Eligibility to All Adults Who Work On-Site in the City

Detroit is expanding its coronavirus vaccine program to any adult who works in the city as well as any Detroiter...

Detroit Organizations Create “Hubs” To Serve Students Learning Outside of School

Felicia Legardy started her first day care 25 years ago. Just as K-12 schools closed last spring because of the...

NPR’s Don Gonyea and Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne Discuss Biden Era Politics

America is at a point of transition in the COVID-19 pandemic and politically. While some leaders in Washington cling to...

The Plight of the Sky Chefs: Essential Labor in the Pandemic Age

Essential and unseen -- the caterers that make sure meals and drinks are ready for your Delta flight. Now more...

Tribute from Harvey Thompson

SUBMITTED BY: Harvey Thompson, U.S. Vocal Jazz Ambassador to Japan I remember sending Ed my first CD, “Jazz Is Anything...

High School Sports, COVID-19 Variants Fueling Spike in New Cases in Michigan

New COVID-19 infections in the state are rising. It is being driven largely by high school sports and the presence...