This Week’s Metro Times: Read Personal Memories of 1967 from Radical Activists and Writers

This week's Metro Times cover story gathers the stories of nine writers, artists, and activists who experienced 1967's uprising as...

Unemployment Fraud Lawsuit Against State Dismissed by Court of Appeals

Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency The Michigan Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit claiming the state wrongfully accused thousands of people...

The GOP’s Healthcare Failure and the Political Evolution of Mitch McConnell

Office of Sen. Mitch McConnell This week's implosion of the GOP health care overhaul in Congress may be the biggest...

As Repeal-Replace Implodes, What Is the Future of Healthcare Reform?

Courtesy of POLITICO Now that it looks like the Senate GOP health care overhaul is dead, where do we go...

State House Forms Mental Health Task Force to Fix ‘Archaic’ System

Jake Neher/WDET State lawmakers have formed a task force to look for ways to improve mental health treatment in Michigan....

DLECTRICITY Will Return in September

Bre'Anna Tinsley/WDET A nighttime art and light festival is returning to Detroit. It’s called DLECTRICITY 2017.  The festival is an outdoor...

‘A Big Mess’ — Local Russia Expert Puts Trump Jr. Emails into Context

Laura Weber Davis/WDET A clearer picture is coming into focus regarding Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 election. Last...

Why Is Commercial Blight Removal Slowing In Detroit Neighborhoods?

Jake Neher/WDET Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan often touts his efforts to remove blighted buildings as something that has improved neighborhoods...

Detroit Journalists Risked Their Lives Covering 1967 Unrest

Members of Detroit’s media corps risked their lives in July 1967 to cover perhaps the city’s most important story of...

How Could a Healthcare Overhaul Affect Michigan Insurance Companies?

Henry Ford Health System The possible repercussions of the U.S. Senate’s plan to overhaul the federal health care law are...

Detroit Mayoral Candidate Coleman Young II: ‘We Need Leadership’ [VIDEO]

Jake Neher/WDET There is a familiar name running for mayor against Mike Duggan in Detroit, Coleman Young II. The son...

Summer of Love Preceeded 1967’s Civil Unrest in Detroit

Editor's note: This story was written and produced by Noah Ovshinsky in 2007 as part of WDET's reporting on the...