Child Separation at the Border–Is This Who We Are?

Stephen Henderson speaks with POLITICO immigration reporter Ted Hesson.

Jake Neher/WDET

There’s increased pressure on both sides of the aisle in Congress for President Trump and AG Jeff Sessions to end the practice of separating immigrant children from their parents as they cross the border. Reports of thousands of young children held in internment camps have been sobering over the past few weeks.

Could this really be America? Is this who we are?

And yet President Trump says all Congressman must do is give him what he wants — funding for a border wall, ending so-called chain migration, an end to many work visas — and they could end the practice of child internment in that package of immigration reform measures.

Where do immigration reform discussions stand, and is this specific practice one that will be a winnable strategy for a president whose politicking is transactional and non sentimental?

Detroit Today host Stephen Henderson speaks with Ted Hesson, an immigration reporter with POLITICO.

He says Republicans in Congress are generally supportive of Trump’s immigration policies, but, “I think they’re not so comfortable with the idea of young children separated from their families,” says Hesson.

Click on the audio player above to hear the full conversation.


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    Dynamic and diverse voices. News, politics, community and the issues that define our region. Hosted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Stephen Henderson, Detroit Today brings you fresh and perceptive views weekdays at 9 am and 7 pm.