Will Michigan’s Tumultuous Prison Food Saga Soon End?

Jake Neher/WDET Lawmakers in Lansing are exploring a complete overhaul of how the state feeds its prisoners. Gov. Rick Snyder...

POLITICO Reporter: ‘Climate Change Skeptics Run the Trump Administration’

Jake Neher/WDET President Donald Trump has surrounded himself with climate change skeptics. In some cases that’s obviously concerning -- Scott...

Auto Parts Suppliers Fear Trump Tariffs may Crush Jobs

Jake Neher/WDET A group representing auto parts suppliers says President Trump’s new tariffs on steel and aluminum could destroy jobs...

175 Million Allocation for Roads May Not Go the Distance

Michigan’s harsh winter weather recently led the state legislature to appropriate 175-million dollars to state and local governments for road...

Was the Kerner Commission Report the Beginning of the ‘Unraveling of American Liberalism?’

Sandra Svoboda Fifty years ago, the Kerner Commission appointed by then President Lyndon B. Johnson drafted a major report on...

Medically Frail Inmates Could Be Paroled Under House Bill

Michigan Legislature The state House has adopted bills that would allow prisoners in advanced stages of illness including cancer and...

State of the City: Are Duggan’s Bold Proposals for Detroit Students Realistic?

AnnMarie Scaramuzzino/WDET Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan laid out some fairly bold plans during his State of the City speech Tuesday...

Abdul El-Sayed Files Signatures for Governor’s Race Amid Questions of Eligibility

Laura Weber Davis/WDET In the race for Michigan’s next governor, a Democrat crossed a significant hurdle today. Abdul El-Sayed was...

The State of the City: How’s Detroit Doing? [LIVE STREAM]

Jared Herberg Speaking at Western High School on the city’s southwest side, Mayor Mike Duggan gave the first “State of...

Are We Headed Toward a Trade War and What Would That Mean?

Jake Neher/WDET President Donald Trump stunned Washington and much of the global business world when he announced -- seemingly in...

Detroit Mayor’s State of City Speech to Chart Path Beyond Bankruptcy

Dawn Uhl-Zifilippo/WDET Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan is preparing for his first State of the City address since being re-elected in...

Michigan Needs Frogs, Toads and They Need Your Help

As temperatures begin to warm up, critters that sleep through the Winter months begin to wake up.  That includes 13...