Former Judge Who Brought MLK to Detroit Dies

  Tony Spina/Detroit Free Press Controversial former Judge James Del Rio served in the Michigan state house in the 1960’s...

Downriver Communities Hardest Hit by Opioid Crisis

  New analysis shows several of Metro Detroit’s Downriver communities are experiencing higher rates of opioid overdoses. Data analytics from...

Paul Ryan and the Exodus of Republicans From Congress

National Park Service A major shake-up in Washington yesterday, as House Speaker Paul Ryan said he’ll retire rather than run again in...

Campaign to Shut Down Oil Pipeline Under Straits of Mackinac Gaining Support

  Governor Rick Snyder is asking Enbridge Energy to accelerate it’s decommissioning of the Line 5 pipeline under the Straits...

Michigan GOP Greets Ryan Retirement with Gratitude and Gripes Republicans in Michigan’s Congressional delegation are greeting Speaker Paul Ryan’s retirement from the most powerful post in the U.S...

Unpacking The Confusing Signals We’re Getting from the Mueller Probe

Jake Neher/WDET We have become accustomed to the weekly news cycle being interrupted by the quarter turn of information about...

Legislature Passes Resolution Favoring Hunting Season for Sandhill Cranes

  Discussions in Lansing about opening hunting seasons for Sandhill Cranes and Morning Doves has birders headed to the Capitol...

Live Video — Zuckerberg House Hearing

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is appearing on Capitol Hill for a second day of hearings about protecting its users' data....

From Bridge Magazine: Detroit’s Teacher Shortage [TRANSCRIPT]

The Detroit Public Schools Community District plans to have art and gym classes in most schools next year, according to Superintendent...

Federal Judge: State Can’t Deny Good Conduct Points to Some Inmates

Jake Neher/WDET A federal judge says the Michigan Department of Corrections cannot deny good conduct credits to former juvenile lifers...

Educators Say ‘Yes Means Yes’ Sex Education Works in Their State – Will Michigan follow?

Jake Neher/WDET Bills in the state Legislature would require schools to teach what’s called affirmative consent – or “yes means...

Live Video — Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Senate Hearing

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is testifying on Capitol Hill to answer questions about protecting user data. The hearing held by...