Detroit City Council Rejects Land Swap Deal with Ambassador Bridge Owners

Detroit City Council voted down a deal for a land swap with the owners of the Ambassador Bridge 4-to-3. Matthew Maroun and...

U.S. Education Secretary Says Build Back Better Plan Transforms Schooling in Michigan

President Biden’s Build Back Better legislation continues to wind its tortuous way towards the Congressional finish line. In the face...

How Zoning Laws Drive Segregation, Inequality in Places Like Metro Detroit

Single-family zoning laws, or city ordinances preventing non-single-family homes from being built, created the image of the quintessential residential area we...

Watch Live: Former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s funeral service

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell's funeral is being held at the Washington National Cathedral. Watch as military and congressional...

After Outcry from Activists, Redistricting Commissioner Works to Create More Representative Map for Detroit

As the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission continues to draw new legislative and congressional district maps, tensions are still high over what to do...

Michigan Will No Longer Tax Tampons, Other Feminine Products

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan will no longer apply the 6% sales tax to tampons and other menstrual products under...

U.S. Supreme Court Firearms Case Could Reshape Gun Control in America

The U.S. Supreme Court could decide a case this term that would have major implications for gun rights and gun...

NPR’s Tim Mak Details the NRA’s Downfall in New Book “Misfire”

For decades, the National Rifle Association used its strong political influence and lobbying powers to block gun control legislation in...

Detroit’s Top Attorney Is Hampering Independent Investigations, Oversight Official Says

The head of Detroit’s independent oversight office has filed a complaint with the state against Corporation Counsel Lawrence Garcia over alleged conflicts of interest, claiming the city’s lead...

Detroit and State Lawmakers Take On Domestic Violence Amid Increase in Incidents

Bills proposed in Lansing and an ordinance passed in Detroit last week take aim at the growing problem of domestic...

House Dems Roll Out Election Bills, Offer Contrast to GOP Proposals

Michigan House Democrats rolled out an agenda Wednesday to make voting easier, especially for voters who want to vote by...

Worries About Inflation Don’t Reflect Realities of Economic Disruption, Says MSU Economist

The combination of federal stimulus packages issued to jump-start the economy, increasing prices and supply chain shortages have got some...