Rep. Brenda Lawrence: Pelosi Wants Impeachment Inquiry Complete by Thanksgiving

Alex McLenon As Congressional committees move forward with the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, Representatives are away from Capitol...

As UAW Strike Rolls Into Third Week, Layoffs, Stoppages Result

Jake Neher/WDET Conveyor belts at General Motors assembly plants nationwide remain stationary, as members of the United Auto Workers union...

GOP Rep. Fred Upton on Trump Impeachment Inquiry: “I Want the Answers to the Questions”

Rep. Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph) says he wants answers about President Trump's conduct related to a recent whistleblower complaint alleging...

Here’s How Michigan Will Fight Election Hackers in 2020

Potential election-related hacking includes everything from plots to obtain voter information to disinformation spread by planting stories online that ballots...

Group Recommends Police Oversight Changes, Stripping Mayor’s Office of Appointment Power

City Bureau The Regional Transit Authority is conducting a study on expanding transit services across counties and a focus group proposed...

Whitmer Signs Budgets, But Wields Line-Item Veto Power “In A Way No Other Governor Has”

Rick Pluta, MPRN It’s October 1 -- a date state lawmakers, the governor, and state employees have been counting down to...

In State Budget Haggling, Anti-Gerrymandering Commission Comes Up Short

The October 1 deadline to pass a state budget and avoid a partial government shutdown is tomorrow. As lawmakers scrambled...

Lost Sea Life. Climate Migrants. Here’s How Rising, Warmer Oceans Will Affect You

Scientists say the oceans are getting warmer, rising faster and losing ice more rapidly due to climate change, according to a...

Read the Unclassified Trump Whistleblower Complaint Here

The whistleblower complaint at the heart of a developing story involving President Trump and possible abuses of power has been...

Acting DNI Director Maguire Testifies: Watch Live For Updates on Trump Whistleblower Complaint

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire is testifying before the House intelligence committee about a whistleblower complaint reportedly connected...

Trump at U.N.: Watch the General Assembly Speech Live Here

President Trump is holding a press conference at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. In a speech to...

Listen to Sen. Bernie Sanders Visit Striking UAW Members On The Picket Line

Editor’s note: WDET reporters are members of the Professional and Administrative Union, Local 1979, UAW. The UAW’s strike against GM is into its...