Detroit to Weed Out Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Detroit has made significant steps to regulate medical marijuana and its business practices in recent months. Last year, City Council approved...

Flint Head Start Programs Expand to Help Children Exposed to Lead

woodleywonderworks/ CC The US Department of Health and Human Services is expanding Head Start and Early Head Start programs in...

New App Provides Flint Water Crisis Info

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/ Public Domain A new app provides health and nutrition tips to help fight lead absorption...

What Will Become of DPS Under Detroit Bankruptcy Judge’s Oversight?

Photo Courtesy of U.S. District Court The judge who oversaw Detroit’s municipal bankruptcy proceedings will now attempt to guide Detroit...

Warren Evans Says Wayne County in Much Better Fiscal Health

Bre'Anna Tinsley/ WDET This morning, Detroit Today’s Stephen Henderson spoke with Wayne County Executive Warren Evans about his recent State...

State of Wayne County Address

Wayne County Executive Warren Evans delivered his annual State of the County address Tuesday night. Evans spoke to a crowd...

How a City Like Detroit Should View Economic Development into the Future

Sandra Svoboda Top-line economic growth does not ensure bottom-line prosperity. That's according to a new report from the Brookings Institution, which argues...

Wisconsin Town with Bad Water Wants 10 Million Gallons a Day From Lake Michigan

The water crisis in Flint is bringing to light the issues related to fresh water systems across the country, issues...

St. Clair River Beaches Will Be Safe to Swim This Summer

James/ Flickr The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality is taking public comments on a plan to end beach closings on...

Flint City Council Demands for Full Powers to be Restored The Flint City Council is demanding Governor Rick Snyder restore all powers to the council. The members wrote a...

Congress Likely to Delay Approving Money for Flint

A proposal in Congress to provide funding for those suffering from water contamination in Flint faces some significant delays. Congress...

Detroit Lawmaker Introduces Marijuana Legalization Bill In Michigan Legislature

A Michigan lawmaker is introducing a bill that would make recreational use of marijuana legal. State Senator Coleman Young, II introduced the...