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New Detroit Art Exhibit Asks, ‘Is It Ever Possible for Black Men to Rest?’

Mario Moore What does it mean to be black in America? As much as we talk about race and racism,...

Was Racism Involved in the Drawing of Michigan’s Congressional Districts?

Graphic by Melissa Mason Critics argue that Republicans drew the legislative districts of Michigan with the intention of winning the majority...

UM Law Professor: Supreme Court Travel Ban Ruling Is Troubling [TIMELINE]

Richard Primus There's been a lot of big news out of the U.S. Supreme Court this week. One decision has...

Do We Need to Be More Civil in 2018? Or Is It A Time for Incivility?

  Carolyn Lukensmeyer/Vann Newkirk II The most recent debates and discussions over immigration, race, and national security have generated a...

LA Times Looks At Innovative Ways Detroit ER is Trying To Stem Violent Crime

Los Angeles Times The problem of violent crime in a city like Detroit seems almost hopelessly complex as it spreads...

Here’s Why New Medicaid Work Requirements Affect You, Even If You’re Not On Medicaid

Jake Neher/WDET Gov. Rick Snyder signed a law last Friday that places an 80-hour per month work requirement in order to...

Should Social Studies Standards Reference NAACP or Roe v Wade? Some Republicans Say No

Jake Neher/WDET What parts of American history, controversial or not, should our kids learn about in school? And who should decide...

East African Refugees Opening Restaurant in Detroit

Jake Neher/WDET This week has brought a flurry of conversation regarding immigration. Specifically, who deserves to be in America and why?...

Smartphones, Email and Online Communities: Tech Analyst Says Sometimes You Should Take a Sabbatical [TRANSCRIPT, VIDEO]

Note: danah boyd does not capitalize her name. Sandra Svoboda/WDET When danah boyd started researching how people used technology and...

‘That’s Not Who We Are,’ Says Rep. Fred Upton on Child Separation

Jake Neher/WDET On Wednesday, President Trump ended -- in part -- a humanitarian crisis of his own making. Under immense political...

What Does Train Station Transformation Say About Detroit’s Resurgence?

Bre'Anna Tinsley/ WDET The big exciting announcement in Detroit this week was Ford’s unveiling of its plans for the towering...

Are We Going Backwards When It Comes to Civil Liberties?

Jake Neher/WDET It seems we live in a time when we’re constantly discussing challenges to our civil liberties.  When and...