The Metro: Celebrating Detroit’s relationship with Windsor on Canada Day

July 1 marks Canada Day, and in honor of our northern neighbor's national holiday, we had a Canada-packed episode of...

Drew Dilkens seeks third term as Windsor mayor

Windsor, Ontario Mayor Drew Dilkens has made construction of a new regional hospital one of his key campaign topics as...

More than 40 people arrested in Ambassador Bridge blockade

Windsor police arrested more than 40 people and towed 37 vehicles near the Ambassador Bridge during the nearly weeklong protest...

Police arrest protesters who remained at U.S.-Canada bridge

WINDSOR, Ontario (AP) — Police moved in to clear and arrest the remaining protesters near the busiest U.S.-Canadian border crossing...

Higher-Than-Average Rainfall Preventing Essex County Farmers from Planting their Crops

Unusually heavy rains this month are preventing many farmers near Windsor from planting their crops. Grain Farmers of Ontario Area...

City of Windsor Looking to Make its Downtown Better for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

The City of Windsor is looking to make its downtown more bike and pedestrian friendly. Planners and urban consultants in...

Windsor Turkey Population Rapidly Increasing

Paul Sullivan/Creative Commons Windsor residents have been noticing an increase in wild turkeys around town lately. The species has been...