Streetlight Detroit newsletter reimagines community policing and safety

Outlier Media launched a new safety and policing newsletter called Streetlight Detroit earlier this year in collaboration with local media...

Reckoning 375: MDOT explains why it’s replacing I-375 with a boulevard

In the latest installment of Detroit Today’s special series, Reckoning 375 — which takes a deeper look at the planned...

Detroit Today: Duggan’s Detroit land tax proposal, explained

Detroit’s property taxes are among the highest in the nation, the Citizens Research Council of Michigan reports, with population decline...

Detroit casino workers strike after failing to reach deal by Tuesday deadline

Thousands of union casino workers went on strike today after failing to reach a new labor agreement with Detroit's three...

After surprise walkout at Ford’s Kentucky plant, Fain warns UAW strike could expand ‘at any time’

UAW President Shawn Fain announced Friday the union would not expand its strike against Detroit’s Big Three automakers, warning that...

Take a tour of Southwest Detroit for National Hispanic Heritage Month

In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15) the City Institute is hosting guided tours in Southwest Detroit...

Detroit’s most violent precincts saw drop in crime this summer

Detroit's two most violent precincts saw a significant drop in violent crime this summer, as well as a citywide drop...

Detroit names its first urban agriculture director

Mayor Mike Duggan opened a new chapter in Detroit’s urban farming story by hiring one of the people who is...

Detroit officials ‘devastated’ by lack of state funding for long-term psychiatric care and housing

Detroit failed to secure backing from Michigan’s record-breaking $81.7 billion 2024 budget for a long-term psychiatric care project officials pitched...

New DDOT interim executive director used to work for maligned paratransit contractor Transdev

Last week, Mayor Mike Duggan named George Michael Staley as DDOT’s interim executive director. Staley replaces former executive director Mikel...

Crossing the Lines: Supreme Café brings halal organic gourmet food options to Detroit’s Bagley neighborhood

This story is part of WDET’s Crossing the Lines: Live6 series, exploring the neighborhoods around the intersection of Six Mile...

Detroit’s historic Book Tower officially reopens after $400M in renovations

Detroit's historic Book Tower is formally back open after Thursday's ribbon cutting ceremony, celebrating the nearly $400 million in renovations....