Watch Live: Biden gives remarks about Russia and Ukraine

President Biden will provide an update Tuesday afternoon about Russia and Ukraine now that Moscow has recognized two regions in...

Auburn Hills opts out of SMART bus service

The Auburn Hills City Council voted 5-2 in favor of opting out of the SMART bus system at its meeting...

Indigenous ceremony in Rouge Park shut down by police

Update 3:55 p.m. Feb. 22: This story has been updated with comments from Detroit Deputy Fire Commissioner Dave Fornell. The...

International Mother Language Day promotes linguistic cultural diversity

Feb. 21 is International Mother Language Day. It was first recognized by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization...

Bills would crack down on lying petition circulators

Bills at the state Capitol would crack down on petition circulators who lie to get people to sign. It's important...

Ukraine supporters rally in Warren

With patriotic songs and tearful testimonies, hundreds gathered on Sunday in a banquet hall at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in...

The consequences of Auburn Hills opting out of SMART transit

In just about any other major metropolitan area in the country, there is better public transit systems than in southeast...

Auburn Hills to vote on whether to opt out of SMART

Correction: This story has been updated to clarify cost breakdowns for Auburn Hills' proposed transit system. The city would pay...

How is Black history actually taught in American schools?

It’s Black History Month — a time many Americans take to reflect on the contributions of African Americans as well as...

Watch Live: Biden gives remarks about Russia and Ukraine

President Biden will speak 4 p.m. Friday about Russia's buildup of military troops on the border with Ukraine and will...

Something more to say: Pia premieres new single “Old Days”

Though Pia Allison Roa has been playing music for most of her life, she just started writing her own songs recently....

Would abolishing police create safety and justice in the world?

The summer of 2020 was marked by protests following the deaths of George Floyd and Breanna Taylor.  It was then...