Water Officials Say They’re Boosting Efforts to Collect on Delinquent Commercial Water Accounts

Quinn Klinefelter/WDET Yesterday on Detroit Today, host Stephen Henderson spoke with a Detroit News investigative reporter about water shutoffs that continue...

Lawmakers In Trouble: What Happens When Constituents Go Without Representation?

Jake Neher/WDET State Sen. Virgil Smith (D-Detroit) is in jail for shooting his ex-wife’s car last May. He submitted his resignation...

Parks Stay Open Late For Dark Sky Week

Get away from the bright lights and you’ll get a better look at the stars, if the skies are clear....

Pontiac’s Post-Emergency Management Board Relinquishes Some Powers to Mayor, City Council

Pontiac is slowly regaining control of its local government. The city’s mayor and city council will regain some authority previously...

Federal Oversight of Detroit Police Department Ends

After 13 years of answering to the U.S. government, the Detroit Police Department is free of federal oversight. A U.S. District...

Reveal: Billion-Dollar Scam

California’s workers’ compensation program covers 15 million workers across the state. If you get hurt on the job – fall...

Water Shutoffs Still Plague Detroit

Quinn Klinefelter/WDET Michigan has made international news on a few occasions over controversies surrounding one of the most basic necessity...

MDOT Takes a Flier on Drones

The Michigan Department of Transportation is experimenting with flying drones to see how they could be used in road projects....

The Progressive Underground Show 164 featuring JOHN OATES (of HALL & OATES)

RCA Music On this episode of The Progressive Underground, host Chris Campbell interviews rock and soul icon John Oates of the...

Rob Reinhart’s Essential Music: 4-2-16

Next time on RREM, Jayme Orr will stop by to talk about a most amazing week (and her viral video!),...

Thanks to You We Hit Our Goal!

Thank you for helping WDET break the rules and try a new way of fundraising! Because of your generous support, together we exceeded the goal...

Test Your Current Events Knowledge with WDET’s April Fools Day Quiz

Francis James Piesse If you listen to a lot of public radio you probably are pretty up-to-date on current events....