Will the First Presidential Debate Change Minds of Voters?

Dawn Uhl-Zifilippo/WDET Tonight much of Michigan’s – and the nation’s – electorate will focus on the first presidential debate between...

More Campaigning Than Lawmaking For State Legislators Until November

Jake Neher/WDET It’s an election year -- and that means state lawmakers won’t be seeing much of their Lansing offices...

Legal Marijuana in Canada Worries Windsor Police Chief

WDET has been examining issues facing the city of Windsor, Ontario. One issue of great concern to law enforcement there,...

Senate To Vote On Flint Fix-Up Oversight

Jake Neher Flint could name its own experts to oversee the response to the city’s drinking water crisis under a...

Third Grade Reading Bill Makes Its Way To The Governor’s Desk

Jake Neher/WDET Third graders who fail the state’s reading test might not be able to graduate to fourth grade. That’s if...

Bills Meant To Increase Transparency In Government Make Their Way To The Senate

Sandra Svoboda Lawmakers need to be more transparent. That was the message sent by the House today when it approved...

Snyder Signs New Medical Marijuana Rules

WDET There will be new rules soon in Michigan governing how medical marijuana is grown, shared, and sold. Gov. Rick...

Levin Asks IRS to Audit Trump Foundation

The ranking Democrat on the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee is calling on the IRS to audit the Donald...

Who Knows What… About What’s Going On… Along The Waterways?

Scientists want to better coordinate environmental programs, data collection, and other efforts taking place along the waterway between northern Lake St. Clair and...

News Media and Satire In This Year’s Presidential Election

Jake Neher/WDET During this strange election cycle there has been a third party that’s received a lot of criticism along...

White House Launches Opioid Abuse Campaign Amid Reports Drug Companies Fighting Effort to Limit Prescription Painkillers

Quinn Klinefelter/WDET The Obama Administration is launching a national campaign this week to highlight the federal government’s fight to combat...

Immigration Conference Shows The ‘Welcoming’ Side of Michigan

"We cannot afford to close our doors, close our hearts or close our minds to immigration because it has been...