Evidence Against Trump “Clearly Rises to Level of Impeachable Offense,” Says UM Law Expert

Richard Primus Congress has begun hearings to determine the scope — and possible criminality — of President Donald Trump’s solicitation...

Read the Unclassified Trump Whistleblower Complaint Here

The whistleblower complaint at the heart of a developing story involving President Trump and possible abuses of power has been...

Acting DNI Director Maguire Testifies: Watch Live For Updates on Trump Whistleblower Complaint

Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire is testifying before the House intelligence committee about a whistleblower complaint reportedly connected...

Listen to Sen. Bernie Sanders Visit Striking UAW Members On The Picket Line

Editor’s note: WDET reporters are members of the Professional and Administrative Union, Local 1979, UAW. The UAW’s strike against GM is into its...

State Lawmakers Send Whitmer Budgets. She Calls Them “A Mess.”

MPRN Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says the budgets on their way to her desk are “a mess.” The state Legislature voted...

Iran Sanctions, Saudi Oil Attack and Changes to Middle East College Programs in US

There are allegations that a Saudi oil facility was attacked earlier this month, there’s an Afghan election coming up and...

Justin Trudeau and the History of Blackface, Racism in Canada

Canada has long been considered our more tolerant and progressive neighbor to the north. While that hasn't always been entirely true,...

UAW Strike Against GM Stretches Into Second Week

Jake Neher/WDET Editor’s note: WDET reporters are members of the Professional and Administrative Union, Local 1979, UAW. The UAW strike against General Motors...

Candice Miller Says ‘No Doubt’ There Will Be Another Water, Sewage Infrastructure Failure in Michigan

The 2019 WDET Book Club has focused on the extensive damage of the Flint Water Crisis and what it tells...

Community Newspapers Playing Critical Role in Metro Detroit in 2019

The world of journalism is in a continuous state of flux in 2019. Battles between media outlets and officials in the...

Barbara McQuade Says Congress Has Grounds for Impeachment If Claims Against Trump Are True

Last week, a story emerged about President Trump and his possible engagement with foreign powers to interfere with American elections.  While...

Lansing School Funding Deal Could Spell Trouble for Gov. Whitmer

Lawmakers have struck a deal to fund K-12 schools when the new fiscal year starts in October. House Democrats negotiated...