Hospice of Michigan Volunteer Shares Her Caregiving Experience During the Pandemic

At the center of hospice care is the goal to provide comfort, peace and a sound quality of life for patients in the...

Patients With Pre-existing Conditions At Higher Risk If They Contract COVID-19

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise in Michigan, doctors are reminding patients with preexisting conditions to take...

Michigan Marijuana Booming Amid COVID-19

Businesses across Michigan have been suffering throughout the pandemic, but there’s at least one industry in Michigan that is reaching...

Michigan Could Receive About 650,000 Doses in Initial COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

With Pfizer and Moderna seeking emergency use authorization, COVID-19 vaccines could be on the horizon. In preparation, government and medical officials...

Created Equal: Carol Anderson on the Lasting Implications of White Rage

Season Three of the podcast Created Equal explores “Writers on Race: From Ralph Ellison to Colson Whitehead,” and features some of the most...

COVID-19 Continues To Spread Through Michigan’s Prison Population

Efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 have tested our abilities to stay safe in schools, at work, at the...

Assistance May Be Available for Michigan Residents to Help Heat Your Home

As temperatures drop, there are people in Michigan who are unable to keep the heat on in their homes. In...

High Water Levels On Tap This Winter As November Marks The Start Of A New Water Year

The general public may be approaching the end of the calendar year, but climate scientists have just started a new year...

Detroit Based Industrial Sewing Company Has Been Making PPE for Months

Back in April, at the start of the pandemic, we talked with a few people about how metro Detroit organizations...

Michigan’s Contact Tracing App ‘MI COVID Alert’ is Designed with Privacy Concerns in Mind

The promising COVID-19 vaccines that are going into production aren't here yet. As the public awaits the end of the...

Delving Into Biden’s Diverse Cabinet Picks

Since the election, there's been a lot of talk about the president’s tantrum over losing the election, and the Republican Party’s enabling...

Created Equal: Dr. Ibram X. Kendi Explains ‘Antiracism’

Season Three of the podcast Created Equal explores “Writers on Race: From Ralph Ellison to Colson Whitehead,” and features some of the most...