Response Times: If You Don’t Like The Numbers, Change the Definition

JJ/Creative Commons As part of WDET’s new series - Detroit Bankruptcy: One Year Later - Sandra Svoboda spoke with Bridge...

Stephen Henderson Finds Childhood Home Gutted in Detroit

Courtney Hurtt/ WDET If you picked up The Detroit Free Press this weekend you saw a long and stirring column...

Missouri President Resigns: Will Race Relation Improve on Campus?

Mitch Bennett   Over the weekend a group of black football players from University of Missouri said they would refuse...

The Detroit Today Conversation about “Detroit Bankruptcy: One Year Later”

  The Detroit Bankruptcy ruling is a year old, and WDET’s News Director Jerome Vaughn and Special Assignment Manager Sandra...

Kalamazoo Promise Turns Ten

DucDigital/Creative Commons The Kalamazoo Promise celebrates its 10th anniversary this week. The Promise pays in-state college tuition for all kids...

Ben Carson’s Inconsistencies in His Autobiography

Gage Skidmore / Flickr   It was a strange weekend for Republican presidential candidate and Detroit native Ben Carson. Late...

What’s Happened in 10 Years of Lake St. Clair and Detroit River Restoration

Fish populations in Lake Saint Clair and the Detroit River are reportedly on the rebound in a big way. U.S....

Windsor Film Festival Growing and Showing

The 11th annual Windsor International Film Festival started this week. Organizers say it’s the largest one so far with 90...

The Cost of Obamacare Too Much?

Enrollment for Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) opened this week. People face a tax penalty if they don’t sign up....

The Week in News: New House Speaker, Ballot Proposal Rejections, and a Lions Shake Up

This week David Shepardson, Washington DC Bureau Chief for the Detroit News, joins Stephen on Detroit Today at the NPR...

Mitch Albom and “The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto”

WDET Long-time Detroit Free Press Columnist Mitch Albom has had a “string” of best-selling nonfiction and fiction books over the...

Violence, #BlackLivesMatter, Justice and Blame

Annette Bernhardt/FLICKR Recent killings of unarmed black men and women in the United States have given rise to the Black...