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Does Growing Up In Cold War Change View of Current Events?

Joan Isabella/WDET The United States’ relationship with Russia is suddenly top-of-mind again for many Americans. That’s after a presidential election...

See WDET’s Exclusive Tour Through King Tutankhamun Exhibit [VIDEO]

AnnMarie Scaramuzzino/WDET The Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun has been a cultural icon for almost a hundred years. That’s since his...

It Was One Public Relations Crisis After Another This Week

Jake Neher/WDET It seems like this week has brought one public relations crisis after another. Pepsi had to pull an...

Digitally Recreating Detroit’s Black Bottom Neighborhood

Jake Neher/WDET The Black Bottom neighborhood was once the epicenter of Black life and entertainment in Detroit. Black Bottom was...

The Unexpected Challenges of Fixing Up A Cheap House in Detroit

Jake Neher/WDET A few years ago a young man from Adrian published a fascinating piece on the website Buzzfeed about...

UM Professor Wins Pulitzer Prize: Hear Heather Ann Thompson’s WDET Interview Here

Blood In The Water University of Michigan history professor Heather Ann Thompson won a Pulitzer Prize this week for her nonfiction book...

Michigan’s Role in the Rise of the Middle Class

Michigan State University Southeast Michigan is, in many ways, the birthplace of the American Middle Class. Since the early 20th...

What Can Justice Department Learn from Detroit’s Consent Decrees?

Jake Neher/WDET U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions filed a memo in early April for the Department of Justice to review...

What’s The Future of the Middle Class in America?

Jake Neher/WDET We've been hearing reports for several years now about the slow erosion of a Middle Class in America. That...

Local Experts Weigh In on Syrian Conflict and Balance of World Power

J. Carlisle Larsen The civil war in Syria is six years old, and there’s no end in sight. Last week...

What’s the Post-‘Nuclear’ Future of the U.S. Senate?

Office of Sen. Mitch McConnell Republicans in the U.S. Senate voted last week to end the 60-vote threshold to approve...

WDET Broadcasts Live On Opening Day

Jake Neher/WDET Friday is the home opener for the Detroit Tigers against the Boston Red Sox. Many of the crowd...