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‘I’m shocked that no one has been fired at MSU’ — What Happens in the Wake of Larry Nassar?

Cheyna Roth/MPRN Last week, about a hundred young women and girls testified about the horrifying circumstances of the abuse they suffered at...

Was Amazon Bid The Right Use of Time for Detroit?

Jake Neher/WDET Detroit will not be home to Amazon’s second North American Headquarters. The internet retail giant yesterday released its...

What Does Blaxploitation Revival Say About America in 2018?

Foxy Brown, 1974 It’s not uncommon -- or irrational -- to compare our current political and social climate with the...

Detroit ‘Dreamer’ Talks DACA, Immigration Reform

Jake Neher/WDET As Congress kicks off the latest round of negotiations over the budget and immigration, undocumented immigrants and their...

One Year Later, How Is Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance Working Out?

Raquel Castañeda-Lopez In November 2016, Detroiters had two ballot measures competing for their vote. The first was was initiated by a...

NPR’s Sonari Glinton on Auto Show, Self-Driving Cars, and Sexism in Auto Industry

Jake Neher/WDET The auto show feels like a big deal to our local community, but it’s sometimes difficult to gauge...

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell Talks DACA, Budget Showdown, and Auto Show

United States Congress Many members of Michigan's congressional delegation have been in town to check out the auto show this...

A Meteor!!

University of Michigan Last night a suspected fireball meteor exploded through the atmosphere over Southeast Michigan. In the moments after, Metro...

Would You Get In A Self-Driving Car Today?

Jake Neher/WDET It’s that time of year again. Downtown Detroit is buzzing with auto industry, executives, employees, and reporters for the...

Sanctuary Churches in Detroit and Elsewhere Seek to Protect Immigrants

Jake Neher/WDET As Congress tries to put together a deal this week to address DACA and immigration, President Donald Trump...

“Black women are at the center of that struggle”: Recy Taylor’s Significant Story

  While accepting the Cecil B. Demille lifetime achievement award at the Golden Globes a week ago, Oprah Winfrey honored a...

How Trump’s Immigration Comments Tie Into History of Exclusionary Policies

Laura Weber Davis/WDET President Donald Trump set off another firestorm on Thursday with some behind-closed-doors comments about immigrants from majority-black...