Race to Replace Retiring Congressman Levin Draws Political Outsiders and a Familiar Name
Veteran U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) retired and a flock of newcomers are seeking the open House seat representing an area that put Trump in the White House. Candidates include Levin’s son Andy and a trio of others who cast themselves as outsiders like Trump.

Portions of Oakland and Macomb Counties were represented for decades in the by Democrat Sander Levin.
But now Levin’s retiring. And a new representative will fill the seat in Michigan’s 9th Congressional District.

But the race still features that famed political name. Levin’s son, Andy Levin, is running to replace the former congressman.
Andy Levin says he reveres his father’s legacy. But he says it was Donald Trump’s ascension to the White House that drove him to make a bid for Congress.
The lone Republican in the race, Candius Stearns, says the agenda of both President Trump and Congress pushed her into the race.

Stearns says she brings the real-world experience of being a small business owner.
And she says long years of working in the insurance industry revealed to her just how harshly government can impact those who have to live under revised health care rules and other public policies.
Yet two other candidates running in the 9th say the district needs new blood that does not come from a Democrat or a Republican.

Green Party candidate John McDermott says the federal government must become more responsive to voters, who he maintains are often distracted by officials who want to steer attention away from issues that may be politically uncomfortable.

Working Class Party candidate Andrea Kirby adds that ”public” servants are doing far too little to help the public, especially workers who she says create the wealth that makes the gears of the U.S. economy operate.