Professionals Consider Detroit as a Relocation Destination

A new survey shows Detroit is among the top 25 cities that Americans are considering for career re-location.  The study...

St. Clair River Beaches Will Be Safe to Swim This Summer

James/ Flickr The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality is taking public comments on a plan to end beach closings on...

Flint City Council Demands for Full Powers to be Restored The Flint City Council is demanding Governor Rick Snyder restore all powers to the council. The members wrote a...

Congress Likely to Delay Approving Money for Flint

A proposal in Congress to provide funding for those suffering from water contamination in Flint faces some significant delays. Congress...

Detroit Lawmaker Introduces Marijuana Legalization Bill In Michigan Legislature

A Michigan lawmaker is introducing a bill that would make recreational use of marijuana legal. State Senator Coleman Young, II introduced the...

Donald Trump is Gaining Momentum, Whether Republicans Like it Or Not

Gage Skidmore (FLICKR-CC) With his win in last Tuesday's Nevada Republican Caucus and Friday’s endorsement from New Jersey Gov. Chris...

How Much Did Governor Snyder Know About The Flint Crisis, and When Did He Know?

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/ Public Domain How much did Governor Snyder know about the Flint water crisis, and when did...

The U.S. President and Your Community

How does who is in the White House matter to communities in southeast Michigan?  That’s the big question WDET is...

Presidential Primaries: WDET’s Quiz

  How much do you know? It’s the season of primaries and caucuses, delegates and superdelegates. The attention is on...

The Progressive Underground Show 159 feat. ANTHONY “SHAKE” SHAKIR

Frictional Recordings On tonight's The Progressive Underground, we interview techno legend ANTHONY "SHAKE" SHAKIR and sample some of this extensive...

Rob Reinhart’s Essential Music: 2-27-16

This time on RREM, the annual soundtrack show in honor of The Oscar Awards weekend! Lots of your favorite soundtrack...

Russell Street Missionary Baptist Church Celebrates Its First 100 Years

A Detroit church celebrates its 100th anniversary on Sunday.  The Russell Street Missionary Baptist Church was founded to serve African-Americans...