Michigan Congresswoman Takes Stock After a Year on Capitol Hill

Former Southfield Mayor Democrat Brenda Lawrence is embarking on her second year in a new legislative role: Serving as a...

Michigan Congressman Says Refugees Important to State

Long-time Republican state lawmaker Mike Bishop has served during the past year in a new role, for him.  He’s represented...

What the Freedom of U.S. Citizen Amir Hekmati From Iran Says About Diplomatic Relations

Kildee , Hekmati Over the weekend, Michigander Amir Hekmati was one of three prisoners freed in a prisoner trade with...

What Stakeholders Have to Say About New DPS Plan

A new plan to overhaul the Detroit Public School District is getting mixed reviews from those closest to the system....

What Would MLK Have Thought of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement?

Reuther Library Over the past few years in the United States a national dialogue has taken root over race and...

Reverend Jesse Jackson Comes To Flint

The Reverend Jesse Jackson is visiting the city of Flint this weekend. Jackson, who is also President and Founder of...

State of the Union: How to Shape a Legacy in a Speech

Telegraph - UK   Last night President Barack Obama delivered his final State of the Union speech. Final speeches such...

Governor Snyder Activates National Guard to Deliver Bottled Water and Filters In Flint

Governor Rick Snyder has activated National Guard units to go to work in Flint. Guard troops will relieve American Red...

Dingell Sees Smooth Streets Ahead for Automakers, Rough Road for Trade Deal

The North American International Auto Show underway this week at Cobo Center in Detroit traditionally draws high-powered government officials from...

White Women are the Angriest People in American

Recently, Esquire published the results of a poll that they conducted with NBC News about Rage in America. The survey found...

What’s the Economic Forecast for Michigan in 2016?

Jimmy Wayne (FLICKR/CC) Governor Rick Snyder twice ran for governor of Michigan on a message of positivity and business pragmatism....

The World of Forced Labor and Prostitution in Michigan

Ira Gelb, Flickr Human trafficking awareness day is today. As Mike Thompson wrote in the Detroit Free Press over the...