EPA Gives $4.5 Million to Restore the Clinton River

Bob Julius/Creative Commons The US Environmental Protection Agency is awarding Sterling Heights and Utica $4.5 million to clean-up the Clinton...

Feds ‘Upping Game’ to Catch Cheating Automakers

Federal regulators say they are taking new steps to catch automakers that skirt or defy government rules and regulations. Officials...

Michigan United Wants Power Restored to Detroit Board of Police Commissioners

JJ/Creative Commons The Detroit Board of Police Commissioners could return to full power after a city council vote next week....

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Awards $285,000 to Grow the State’s Water Trail Network

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality is funding the mapping of water trails on the Huron and Clinton Rivers and other...

Justice Department Grants Detroit Funding for More Cops, Body Cams

The U.S. Justice Department is granting nearly $3 million to the Detroit Police Department to pay for new personnel and...

Former Detroit Treasurer Under Kilpatrick Sentenced to Prison for Bribery, Extortion

A federal judge is sentencing a former Detroit city treasurer during the Kilpatrick Administration to 11 years in prison for...

VW Emission Deception Could Cost Billions

Volkswagen says about 11 million diesel vehicles around the world were fitted with software that enabled the automaker to skirt U.S. clean...

Detroit’s White Population Growing for the First Time Since 1950

It’s no secret that Detroit, especially Downtown and Midtown, is going under some changes with major construction to revitalize the...

Religion and the Presidency

In a recent interview on NBC's "Meet the Press", Republican presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson made waves when he told...

ACLU May Sue Catholic Hospital in Michigan for Denying Medical Care on Religious Grounds

 The American Civil Liberties Union is threatening to sue a Catholic hospital in Grand Blanc for refusing to perform a...

WSU Hires Director of Multicultural Student Engagement

Wayne State University has launched a new Office of Multicultural Student Engagement. Its purpose is to get students more involved in...

Invasive Species Makes First Appearance in Michigan

Officials with Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources are confirming the state’s first case of an invasive species. It’s called yellow floating...