TechTown’s Ned Staebler Talks Economic Development and Policing in Detroit

Laura Weber Davis, WDET What is the obligation of average white citizens to further a conversation about race in Detroit...

Can Immigrant Communities Help Rebuild Detroit?

Gracie Xavier, Michigan Global Talent Retention Initiative Global Detroit is working to build an immigrant-friendly city that is leveraging immigration...

How the Post Office Created America

A new book that chronicles the history of the U.S. Postal Service says the democratic process and the country’s infrastructure grew out...

Veterans Benefit from Homeless Efforts but Families Still Need Help

When President Obama took office he set the lofty goal of bringing an end to homelessness by 2015.  He has not been...

Drought: Bad for Farms but Good for Lake Erie Health

Scientists say the algal bloom in Lake Erie should not pose as many problems this year. The National Oceanic and...

Olga Stella Talks Design in Detroit

Jake Neher/WDET Detroit is the first and only city in the United States to have been named a UNESCO City...

Detroit Chief OK with Private Security Policing Downtown

A recent security breach at the Coleman Young Municipal Center, Detroit’s City Hall, is shining a spotlight on the use...

Water Crisis in Flint could be Happening Nationwide

Bre'Anna Tinsley/ WDET     A new study released this week finds that the contamination in Flint’s water supply could...

6th Circuit Says Enbridge Line 5 Can Run Through National Forest

National Wildlife Federation A federal appeals court says an Enbridge oil pipeline that runs through a northern Michigan national forest...

Obamacare Has Been A ‘Boon’ For Michigan Hospitals, Says DMC’s Conrad Mallett

Jake Neher/WDET This week Detroit Today has been looking at the effects of the Affordable Care Act since it was...

The Intersection: What Is Detroit’s Business Community Doing to Address Poverty?

Nick Mattar As part of our work with the Detroit Journalism Cooperative, WDET is reporting on the issues the Kerner...

The Intersection: Focus: HOPE CEO Talks Tackling Poverty in Detroit

wjgomes FOCUS: Hope was one of the organizations founded after the 1967 uprising in Detroit. It's focused on racial healing...