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Nessel Removes Herself From Probe Into Election Lies Because “Potential Target” Might Run Against Her

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says she will not be directly involved in her office's investigation into people who have...

Detroit City Clerk Candidate Denzel McCampbell Says Voter Engagement is Top Priority

The primary election is Aug. 3 in Detroit. Three candidates are challenging incumbent Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey in this...

Nessel Says Opioid Settlement Money Will Go Directly to Address Prescription Drug Crisis

A bipartisan coalition of 15 state attorneys general reached a settlement of $26 billion with four major drug providers for...

U.S. Constitution’s Intentional Omission of Voting Rights Creates Problems for Democracy Today

Most Americans in 2021 view the right to vote and to free and fair elections as fundamental to who we...

Southeast Michigan Grappling with New Climate Realities

Large floods have been devastating Southeast Michigan throughout the summer, and the intensifying storms can be linked directly to a...

What You’ll Need to Know to Travel to Canada When Border Reopens

Canada announced earlier this month that it would open its border to fully vaccinated Americans starting Aug. 9. However, the U.S....

Meet Mayor Duggan’s Pick to Lead Detroit’s Efforts to Make Development More Equitable

We are several years into Detroit’s revival as a city attracting major investment and attention from businesses. Yet, those attempts...

Two New Progressive County Prosecutors on Rethinking Criminal Justice in Michigan

Every four years, we elect prosecutors in the state of Michigan. Prosecutors are arbiters of justice and traditionally, they rule with a...

Lt. Gov. Gilchrist Says Michigan Republicans Aren’t Interested in Encouraging People to Get Vaccinated

Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist says Republicans in Lansing are making it more difficult to boost vaccination rates across Michigan. He...

“Mosquitoes Are Out and They Are Fierce”: Why There Are So Many and How to Protect Yourself

Mosquitoes are worse than ever in Michigan, experts say. Michigan residents are working hard to protect themselves from bites, but it is...

Michigan’s Vaccine Lottery Isn’t Working. Here’s Why.

Michigan's vaccination rate has continued to slow this month, despite the hope and hype surrounding the state's new vaccine lottery....

Psychiatry Professor Explores Intersection of Mental Illness and Mass Incarceration

The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with around 2 million people locked away any given year. There...