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Jelani Cobb Re-examines Kerner Commission’s Findings as They’re Playing Out in 2021

The Kerner Commission was appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967 to investigate the causes of urban uprisings in Detroit, Newark and...

Understanding the Evolving Threat of COVID-19

More than a year into this pandemic, there is still so much uncertainty about the coronavirus. Even with vaccines, scientific evidence...

How the U.S. Constitution Does and Does Not Protect Your Privacy

As part of 101.9 WDET’s Book Club, we’re inviting the Detroit region to examine and discuss the text that impacts every...

Biden’s Approval Numbers Dropping Amid Resurgent Pandemic, Afghanistan Withdrawal

President Biden's role in Afghanistan and his handling of the pandemic are both factors that are impacting Americans' opinions about...

ISIS-K Attack in Kabul Raises Questions About Future of Counterterrorism in the Region

The terrorist group ISIS-K's bombing last week outside the Kabul airport has opened up new questions about the future of counterterrorism...

Detroit Jazz Fest President Talks About Going Remote Amid COVID-19 Concerns

Earlier this month, organizers of the Detroit Jazz Fest made the difficult decision to switch to a remote format. This decision comes...

Michigan Opera Theatre Presents “Blue,” Exploring Race and Police Brutality in America

When many people think of opera, they think of grand sets, magical themes and love stories set decades or centuries in...

How Wayne County Is Trying to Fix Broken Public Defense System

Wayne County is one of many places across the country taking steps to address big disparities in our criminal justice...

Meet the New Michigan Department of Civil Rights Executive Director John E. Johnson Jr.

For Michigan leaders and policymakers, discrimination and inequality are difficult matters to resolve. Even when laws and constitutional protections exist against discrimination...

New Global Centre for Urban Transformation Coming To Detroit

World Economic Forum (WEF) is establishing the new Global Centre for Urban Transformation in an effort to increase public-private collaboration in cities...

Put the Phone Down: New Book “Dopamine Nation” Focuses on Overcoming Digital Dependency

Dopamine, the chemical responsible for feelings of pleasure within our minds and bodies, often comes to us by way of...

The First Amendment Faces Tests Amid Black Lives Matter Protests, Insurrection

As part of 101.9 WDET’s Book Club, we’re inviting the Detroit region to examine and discuss the text that impacts every...