Documentary Follows Detroit’s Rise, Fall, Revitalization Through Eyes of Postman
The filmmaker and postal worker join Detroit Today.
Detroit-born filmmaker Pam Sporn has come up with a really interesting way to tell the city’s story.
In her latest documentary, Detroit 48202: Conversations Along a Postal Route, Sporn follows postal worker Wendell Watkins as he gathers oral histories of the people who have lived along his route in that ZIP code for years.
The stories trace the history of African Americans coming to Detroit during the Great Migration, racial discrimination, the collapse of the auto industry, and more.
Sporn joins Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson to talk more about the film.
Watkins, the former postal worker featured in the movie, also joins the program and discusses his role in the documentary.
Detroit 48202 will air Tuesday, January 29th on the PBS World Channel at 8 p.m.