Lead Not Likely the Cause of Increased Cases of Legionnaires’ Disease in Flint But…
chemical treatment of water may have been a factor

“Often when people present with pneumonia, doctors are thinking of the common bacteria like pneumococcal pneumonia or streptococcus pneumoniae. Legionnaires’ is typically an infection in older people particularly those 50 years and older”
Researchers from Wayne State University are working to identify why the number of people with Legionnaires’ Disease spiked during the Flint water crisis. The study, in its second year, is expanding to include an examination of the disease in Wayne County. Legionnaires Disease is a form of pneumonia that often hits people over the age of 50 and those with underlying immune system problems. Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Director of Research at Wayne State University, Paul Kilgore, and Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at Wayne State, Shawn McElmurray, spoke with WDET’s Amy Miller. McElmurry says Legionella bacteria is readily found in the environment.
Click on the audio link above to hear the entire conversation