Detroiters testify to Congress that corporate pollution is harming communities

Detroit residents testified during a Congressional hearing Thursday that industrial pollution in the city is damaging their health. The Oversight...

More than 260K in Southeast Michigan without power after severe storm

Update 8/30/22 at 11 a.m.: DTE Energy says they expect to restore 80 percent of customers' power affected by Monday's...

Detroit Evening Report, Aug. 29, 2022: Detroit police arrest suspect in multiple shootings

Detroit police arrested a man on Sunday suspected of shooting four people who appear to be random victims, resulting in...

Detroit Month of Design embraces collaboration for a brighter future

The Detroit Month of Design kicks off on September 1, which takes the city beyond its legacy of designing the...

How ‘dirty jobs’ impact poor and disadvantaged people

Some of the worst tasks in this world are the things that we don’t see. Slaughterhouses, jails and prisons, military...

1UPdate: Harassment campaigns are increasingly common in gaming communities

While video games can be a source of fun for millions of people, gaming culture has a really uncomfortable relationship...

NASA postpones Artemis I launch to the moon after engine issues

NASA is delaying its giant leap towards returning humans to the moon. When the rocket does lift off, it will...

Great Lakes Now exposes coal ash threat

Environmental groups are suing the Environmental Protection Agency for refusing to regulate older coal ash dumps near power plants. Coal...

Detroit Evening Report, Aug. 26, 2022: Detroit’s economic recovery faster than Michigan’s

The Detroit Economic Outlook for 2021-2027 reports Detroit is holding up in the national economy, in part due to development...

DTE’s proposed rate hike draws public outcry: ‘Our lights shouldn’t be able to get cut off for $124’

DTE Energy wants to raise its rates for electricity and gas — 8.8% for homes. The Michigan Public Service Commission...

Tudor Dixon’s pick for running mate ruffles feathers ahead of nominating convention

Subscribe to MichMash on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. In this episode: Tudor Dixon’s pick for running mate brings opposition in...

Michigan mediators want to help resolve conflicts before reaching courts

Finding compromise can seem like a lost art in today’s world. But the state of Michigan offers volunteers who specialize...