As Lawmakers Debate Corrections Overhaul, What Can Prison Reformers Learn from Past Missteps?

Flickr/Scott Hadfield There’s growing agreement between Republicans and Democrats that something needs to be done about the number of people...

Feds: Terrorists Could Take Control of Driverless Cars

Federal security officials are warning automakers to take steps to safeguard driverless and connected cars from being taken over by...

State Superintendent Brian Whiston on DPS Legislation, Non-Discrimination Guidelines

Photo Courtesy of Dearborn Public Schools There’s a lot going on in the world of education and education policy in...

Is it Time to Get Rid of Detroit Public Schools in Favor of All Charters?

flickr As state lawmakers debate a $700 million bailout to avert the financial collapse of Detroit Public Schools - some...

Michigan Legislature has its Own Version of Transgender “Bathroom Bill”

Intel Free Press, flickr North Carolina made national headlines recently for requiring by law that transgender men and women use restrooms...

How Arab American Voters Feel About the 2016 Presidential Election Hundreds of thousands of Arab Americans call Southeast Michigan home. That community has found itself at the center of...

Water Expert Says Problems in Flint Happening Across U.S.

y Klinefelter 4.8.16   Congress puts the water crisis in Flint back under the federal microscope this week. Michigan Congressman...

State Lawmakers Have A Lot on Their Plate as They Return to Lansing

Jimmy Wayne (FLICKR/CC) State lawmakers return to Lansing this week after a two-week break. They have some very weighty issues...

State Conventions Could Decide GOP Nominee

Beginning today Republicans in Michigan are selecting delegates to represent candidates at this summer’s national convention. But those delegates are...

Newsweek: Dirty Air Killing Metro Detroiters

A recent story in Newsweek magazine reports that the air pollution is so bad in Detroit that it could kill...

Lack of State Regulations Leaves Michigan Marijuana Industry in Limbo and Largely Illegal

Industry analysts say Michigan’s lack of oversight and regulation of medical marijuana businesses has, all-in-all, created an illegally operating industry....

Detroit Education Commission set to anchor Detroit School Reform

Michigan lawmakers are set to consider reform legislation for Detroit Public Schools when they return from Spring recess this month....