Bills Meant To Increase Transparency In Government Make Their Way To The Senate

Sandra Svoboda Lawmakers need to be more transparent. That was the message sent by the House today when it approved...

Snyder Signs New Medical Marijuana Rules

WDET There will be new rules soon in Michigan governing how medical marijuana is grown, shared, and sold. Gov. Rick...

Levin Asks IRS to Audit Trump Foundation

The ranking Democrat on the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee is calling on the IRS to audit the Donald...

Who Knows What… About What’s Going On… Along The Waterways?

Scientists want to better coordinate environmental programs, data collection, and other efforts taking place along the waterway between northern Lake St. Clair and...

News Media and Satire In This Year’s Presidential Election

Jake Neher/WDET During this strange election cycle there has been a third party that’s received a lot of criticism along...

White House Launches Opioid Abuse Campaign Amid Reports Drug Companies Fighting Effort to Limit Prescription Painkillers

Quinn Klinefelter/WDET The Obama Administration is launching a national campaign this week to highlight the federal government’s fight to combat...

Immigration Conference Shows The ‘Welcoming’ Side of Michigan

"We cannot afford to close our doors, close our hearts or close our minds to immigration because it has been...

Federal Case Exposes Lack Of Review Process For Formerly Mentally Ill Persons Trying To Own Guns

Jake Neher/WDET A man who was once hospitalized for depression cannot legally buy a gun in Michigan – at least...

State Board Prevents Flint From Suing Over Water Crisis

Matt Morley The city of Flint was recently considering suing the state of Michigan for the water crisis in the...

Ferndale Library Vote Highlights “Broken” Local Government Funding In Michigan

Laura Weber Davis/WDET Almost two thirds of all local government leaders in Michigan say the state’s system of funding cities,...

Snyder Still Not Satisfied With Federal Immigration Policies

Jake Neher/WDET A statewide conference on making Michigan more welcoming to immigrants kicks off Monday in Lansing. Local officials will trade tips...

Detroit Photographer Documents Refugee Rescues in Mediterranean Sea

Detroit photographer Kenny Karpov is in the Mediterranean Sea with MOAS, documenting at-sea rescues of refugees leaving the Libyan coast....