What Would Detroit School Closings Mean For Parents, Students, and Schools?

Jake Neher/WDET The state can shut down low-performing schools in Detroit by the end of this school year. That’s what Michigan...

Learn The Right Way to Measure Snow

Whenever a snowstorm hits Metro Detroit, the National Weather Service tells us how much snow actually fell. To get those...

How Detroit Parents Pick Schools

  For Detroit parents, the decision making about where to send their children to school sometimes begins even before they...

More Campaigning Than Lawmaking For State Legislators Until November

Jake Neher/WDET It’s an election year -- and that means state lawmakers won’t be seeing much of their Lansing offices...

Looking Back On Education in Detroit [UNCUT INTERVIEW]

WDET / Laura Herberg WDET's Laura Herberg met up with Darlene Alston at her Just A Bit Eclectic tea shop on...

Detroit Waldorf School Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Waldorf School On Saturday, the Detroit Waldorf School celebrates its 50th anniversary in the city. The building in the Indian...

Bills On Child Restraint And Seclusion Make Their Way Out Of Committee

Jake Neher/WDET Legislation on child restraint in classrooms passed through a House committee Thursday. The legislation would prevent teachers from...

New Play Tells Story of Librarian Who Worked To Save Banned Children’s Book

Laura Weber Davis, WDET Banned books have been the subject of debate for as long as books have been printed....

Third Grade Reading Bill Makes Its Way To The Governor’s Desk

Jake Neher/WDET Third graders who fail the state’s reading test might not be able to graduate to fourth grade. That’s if...

Do Students Have A Constitutional Right To Literacy?

Jake Neher/WDET Every student in Michigan is guaranteed the right to a “free public education.” The state constitution says “every...

How Dearborn Schools Opened Its Doors To Immigrant Students

Jake Neher/WDET    Dearborn is setting a standard for how American cities can be inclusive with the growing number of...

Who Knows What… About What’s Going On… Along The Waterways?

Scientists want to better coordinate environmental programs, data collection, and other efforts taking place along the waterway between northern Lake St. Clair and...