A nine-month stint with The Associated Press brought Sandra to Detroit...27 years ago. She has a bachelor's in journalism and history from Indiana University, and along the way added two master's degrees, one in library and information science and another in public administration, both from Wayne State University. Sandra has worked for The (Toledo) Blade covering education/children's issues, Detroit’s Metro Times and FEMA, where she deployed to Louisiana to help coordinate/communicate about community rebuilding/planning efforts for/after disasters. Sandra has won awards for broadcast, print, digital and community engagement work from the Michigan Associated Press, the Michigan Association of Broadcasters, Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, State Bar of Michigan, Michigan Press Association and Society of Professional Journalists-Detroit chapter. WSU’s Public Administration program named her Alum of the Year in 2015 for her WDET work covering Detroit's bankruptcy. Sandra teaches adjunct faculty at Wayne State (political science) and UM-Dearborn (graduate public administration program). She volunteers with Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit and with Freedom House Detroit. She loves her husband, dog, bicycle, usually in that order. Find her sailing on the Detroit River in her spare time.