Rick Pluta has been covering Michigan’s Capitol, government, and politics since 1987. His journalism background includes stints with UPI, The Elizabeth (NJ) Daily Journal, The (Pontiac, MI) Oakland Press, and WJR. He is also a lifelong public radio listener.

Rick was one of the first Michigan political reporters to write about “pay-to-play” fundraising, and the controversies surrounding recognition of same-sex relationships. He broke the news that Gov. John Engler was planning a huge juvenile justice overhaul that included adult-time-for-adult-crime sentencing, and has continued to report since then on the effects of that policy decision.

He co-hosts the weekly segment “It’s Just Politics” on Michigan Radio with Zoe Clark.

Rick is fascinated by the game of politics, and the grand plans and human foibles that go into policy-making. You will never find him ice-fishing.

Judge Blocks Michigan’s Ban on Straight-Party Voting

govtech.com Voters in Michigan may be allowed to use the straight-ticket voting option on the November ballot. A federal judge has...

DEQ Task Force Re-Thinking Trash Rules

Jake Neher/WDET Plans are getting underway to send less trash to landfills in Michigan and to find more ways to...

Snyder Asks MI Supreme Court’s Advice On Payments To Private Schools

Elizabeth Garrett Gov. Rick Snyder has asked the Michigan Supreme Court to offer an opinion on whether it’s ever possible...

Appeals Court Says Booking Photos Exempt From Federal FOIA

Brian Turner The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals says, in the age of the internet, the release of a...

Michigan Asks Court To Dismiss Marijuana Drive’s Petition Lawsuit

Brett Levin, flickr. The state has asked a court to dismiss a legal challenge filed by the campaign to legalize...

Lawsuit Challenges Michigan’s Vaccine Counseling Requirement

tschoppi/Flickr A legal challenge has been filed against a state rule that requires counseling for parents who have a religious...

Replacement Process for Late State Rep. Plawecki Underway

Official Photo The process is underway to name a replacement on the ballot for state Rep. Julie Plawecki (D-Dearborn Heights),...

6th Circuit Says Enbridge Line 5 Can Run Through National Forest

National Wildlife Federation A federal appeals court says an Enbridge oil pipeline that runs through a northern Michigan national forest...

Gov. Snyder Signs New Budget With Money for Flint, Invasive Species

Asian Carp by Kate Gardiner/Creative Commons Gov. Rick Snyder has signed the final bill in the state’s $55 billion dollar...

K-12 Budget Could Face Challenge Over Aid to Private Schools

Marissa Gawel/WDET Gov. Rick Snyder traveled to a middle school in Oakland County on Monday to sign a $16 billion...

Governor Snyder Signs Detroit Schools Bailout

Detroit Public Schools Gov. Rick Snyder has signed a $617 million dollar bailout of the Detroit Public Schools – which...

Prosecutors Say Police Body Cams Will Add Time, Cost to Cases

WDET Prosecutors across Michigan say body cameras worn by police officers will aid in getting convictions. But they warn reviewing...