Michigan Politicos Unpack the Houston Democratic Presidential Debate
Stephen Henderson and a panel of local political junkies break down the debate and field reactions from listeners.

Last night, the candidates vying for the Democratic presidential nomination descended on Houston, Texas. It was a smaller group but the same contentious topics kept things interesting.
Detroit Today host Stephen Henderson unpacks some of the biggest moments of the night with Detroit Free Press columnist Nancy Kaffer, political and communications consultant Greg Bowens and Wayne Bradley, Managing Partner of American Urban Strategies.
Click on the player above to hear Detroit Today’s politics panel on the most recent Democratic Presidential debate.
The panel discussed:
- Bradley, a Republican, says last night was a “battle of bad ideas.”
- On the topic of guns, Nancy Kaffer says Beto O’Rourke seemed like he was genuine in his heated moment discussing AR-15 weapons.
- The group also discusses the arguably ageist comments made by former HUD Secretary Julian Castro against former Vice President Joe Biden while debating healthcare last night. Kaffer notes that “it was uncomfortable and weird, whether it was merited or not.”
- In the closing portion of the night, Biden came under fire again for his comments about addressing the legacy of slavery.