LIVE STREAM: Policy Meets the People – The Redistricting Issue Special [VIDEO]
WDET’s one-hour special discusses redistricting and gerrymandering issues with officials and citizens.

Should Michigan redraw its voting districts? And what should the process be to do that? Can the state ever have perfectly drawn districts that never guarantee a political party-based outcome?
Those questions — and more — are part of the Policy Meets The People – MI Voice, MI Vote live show on redistricting.
On Tuesday, June 26, WDET is broadcasting a live one-hour special to discuss redistricting issues in Michigan and beyond. WDET’s Sandra Svoboda hosts with Jerome Vaughn moderating.
Show Guests (in order of planned appearance):
Craig Mauger, Michigan Campaign Finance Network, @CraigDMauger
Mike Wilkinson, Bridge Magazine, @BridgeMichigan
Katie Fahey, Voters Not Politicians, @NotPoliticians
Sue Smith, League of Women Voters Michigan, @MIVoterPower
Jamie Roe, Grand River Strategies/Citizens Protecting the Michigan Constitution, @JamieRoe23
Policy Meets The People – MI Voice, MI Vote gives metro Detroiters an opportunity to find out how key legislation, laws and policies created in Lansing affect their daily lives. The WDET news team will examine four issues: education, transportation/infrastructure, water quality and gerrymandering. The topics were chosen by residents in the seven-county metro Detroit region as issues that would help determine their decisions in the voting booth in 2018 August primary and November general elections.
Here’s other WDET work on the gerrymandering issue:
Policy Meets the People: Introducing the Issue of Gerrymandering
Talk Show Programming
On DETROIT TODAY: Was Racism Involved in the Drawing of Michigan’s Congressional Districts?
Digital Specials
A Podcast Playlist – Become a Gerrymandering Expert Just By Listening
NPR’s Hidden Brain: Gerrymandering and You
News Coverage
MichMash: Here’s How You Can Influence The Drawing of District Lines in Michigan
Gerrymandering: Why It’s a Technology Issue [TRANSCRIPT]
Redistricting 101: Your District, Your Politicians, But Does Your Vote Matter?
Ohio Offers Its Own Solution to Gerrymandering [MAPS + GRAPHS]
Who Should Draw Michigan’s Political Maps? Voters May Decide [PHOTOS + MAP]
Voters Not Politicians: The Pros [TRANSCRIPT]
Voters Not Politicians: The Cons [TRANSCRIPT]
It’s a Ship….No, it’s a House…Wait, it’s a Congressional District?
Does Michigan Have a District that Looks Like Homer Simpson? You Be the Judge.