State Lawmakers Say Goodbye to 2017: Here’s What They Did and Didn’t Do
Cheyna Roth, Jake Neher December 15, 2017One thing lawmakers can cross off their check list… dissing their colleagues’ ugly holiday sweaters.

The Michigan Legislature has adjourned until 2018.
As usual, lawmakers passed a flurry of bills before leaving for the holidays. They also left plenty of priorities hanging until next year.
WDET’s Jake Neher and Michigan Public Radio’s Cheyna Roth talked about what they accomplished, as well as what they hope to get done in the upcoming year.
When it comes to things the Legislature got done before the end of the year, Roth lists bills meant to help address the ongoing opioid crisis, changes to local government pension management, and legislation related to chemicals in drinking water across Michigan.
She says Republican leaders will likely focus in the new year on bills allowing people to openly carry firearms in more places, that would overhaul Michigan’s mental health care system, and would forgive driver responsibility fees.
Click on the audio player above to hear the full conversation.