Is Islamophobia On The Rise?

Photo credit: Jake Neher/WDET
Today, we hoped to speak with an expert on Islamic law about misconceptions about Shari’a law. She was scheduled to be here in the studio to talk about that. But we got word yesterday that she was facing death threats, and she was later detained at an airport causing her to miss her flight. She was unable to join the show today.
So, let’s talk about that. Now, we don’t know all the details about what happened in this case. But it’s certainly something we’re hearing about more often recently.
Why do people have to go through this in America? What protections to they have when there’s clear evidence of discrimination?
Khaled Beydoun, associate professor of law at University of Detroit Mercy, joins Detroit Today to talk about Islamophobia in America.
To hear the conversation, click on the audio player above.