City of Southfield Embroiled in Argument with Church and DEQ Over Oil Drilling
Despite city moratorium on drilling and fracking DEQ still considering permit for church grounds

An application to drill for oil within the Southfield city limits is creating a backlash from residents and local politicians. The Word of Faith Church at 9 Mile and Evergreen is asking the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for permission to dig nearly 3-thousand feet to prospect for oil. The church sits adjacent to a residential area. Former Southfield council member and current state representative Jeremy Moss says the DEQ has disregarded a local moratorium on drilling. “I have environmental and health concerns about this happening but on top of that I also have process concerns because right now the DEQ is not abiding by a lawful local city moratorium on this practice” Moss says. Moss introduced legislation this week that creates further local control for oil and gas drilling permits. A public meeting is scheduled for February 17th from 6-9pm at Southfield City Hall