White House Threatens Defense Veto over Selfridge Aircraft
White House threatens to veto military spending bill because Congress wants to fund Selfridge-based A-10 attack plane.

Obama Administration officials are threatening to veto Congress’ plan to pay for the U.S. military, in part because it preserves military attack aircraft stationed at Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Macomb County.
The White House Office of Management and Budget is recommending that the President veto the more than $600 billion National Defense Authorization Act.
Among other reasons budget officials say spending measures being worked on by both the House and Senate would continue funding the A-10 attack planes that are based at Selfridge.
Several members of Michigan’s congressional delegation have fought to keep the A-10 in service in particular Congresswoman Candice Miller whose district includes the Selfridge base.
About a dozen A-10’s were recently deployed to help in the fight against the group calling itself the Islamic State.
The Pentagon is developing newer, faster fighter jets and military officials say there’s not enough funding available to pay for those planes plus the cost of modernizing the A-10.
The White House is also threatening to veto the spending bill because it would impede the closure of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.