The Metro: Is owning a home still part of the American dream?

Owning a home has been a symbol of achievement in this country for generations. It’s the most common way to...

Detroit Evening Report: Detroit’s first freestanding birthing center opens; Detroit Future City Equity Forum + more

Tonight on the Detroit Evening Report, we cover Detroit Future City's upcoming Equity Forum; Detroit's new (and only) freestanding birthing center...

The Metro: New DSO contract increases pay, creates more inclusive audition process

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra agreed to a new three-year contract last month. Agreements in the contract will increase the guaranteed compensation...

Detroit Evening Report: More than 5,500 family homes in Detroit passed down without legal documentation, report finds

A new report from Detroit Future City revealed that over 5,500 inherited properties in Detroit could end up in legal...

Detroit Today: The case for small dollar mortgages in Detroit

 A mortgage loan is more than just a pathway to homeownership, it's a building block of economic equity, neighborhood...

Perception warming to investing in Detroit since bankruptcy

Detroit’s 2013 bankruptcy hurt the city in numerous ways. One of them was by making it harder for the city...

A Guide To Vacant Land Is Coming Soon

Detroit Future City Detroit has thousands of vacant properties that could be re-used in many way, from new business ventures to parks...