Pipeline or Pollutant?

Stephen Henderson speaks with Michigan’s Attorney General Bill Schuette about Enbridge's Line 5 embedded in the Mackinac Straits. Five years...

Law Enforcers to Discuss Security at Houses of Worship

Law enforcement officials plan to hold a summit with faith leaders in Detroit today to discuss ways to improve security...

Poor Kids Falling Further Behind

Stephen Henderson speaks with President of the Michigan League For Public Policy Gilda Jacobs about Michigan’s performance in the Kids Count...

Fiat Chrysler Recalls Vehicles Vulnerable to Cyberattacks

Fiat Chrysler is recalling more than a million vehicles that could be susceptible to cyberattacks.  The recall comes in the...

White House Taps Michigan Professor for Federal Reserve Board

fordschool.umich.edu President Obama wants a professor from the University of Michigan to have a major say in the financial policy...

Outliers and Their Impact on Political Races

Stephen Henderson meets with John Hudak, a fellow at the Center for Effective Public Management at Brookings Institution, and Saul Anuzis, a Republican...

The Mood of the American Voter

There is little doubt that many American voters are disillusioned and searching for a candidate that speaks their political language,...

Feds Probe Whether GM Dealers Sold Recalled Cars Without Making Repairs

The Federal Trade Commission is investigating whether some General Motors dealers sold used cars that had been recalled without first...

The Legal Side of Urban Farming

Stephen Henderson talks with Nick Leonard, Equal Justice Works Fellow at the Great Lakes Environmental Law Center, about the laws...

Michigan Democratic Party Chair Wants Trump to Stay Away From GOP Fundraising Event

EDITOR'S NOTE: This story was corrected to fix an error on Brandon Dillon's political affiliation.--PB   The head of the...

State Rep Proposes Citizens Draw Political Lines

Vince_Lamb/CC State Representative Jon Hoadley is re-introducing a bill that calls for a citizen-led commission to draw political boundaries in...

Gun Control and Gun Culture: Here and Elsewhere

Stephen Henderson talks with Christian Pearce, Criminal Attorney in Toronto and the author of Enter Babylon: Unpacking Gun Culture from...