Tribar Technologies facing environmental violations over chemical spill  in Huron River

State environmental regulators are going after Tribar Technologies, the company responsible for dumping a dangerous chemical into the Huron River...

State lawmakers consider taking away local authority to issue gravel mining permits

The Great Lakes region is blessed with an abundance of water. But water quality, affordability, and aging water infrastructure are...

Will Michigan farmers voluntarily help reduce phosphorus loading into Lake Erie?

The Great Lakes region is blessed with an abundance of water. But water quality, affordability, and aging water infrastructure are...

State officials expand testing of Huron River after release of hexavalent chromium

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy is warning people to avoid going into the Huron River and...

The legacy of the Lunar Landing 53 years later

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins left Earth’s comfy atmosphere and headed off into the...

The Catch: Fayette Historic State Park is home to some of the oldest trees in eastern North America

  At Fayette Historic State Park in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, limestone cliffs are home to some of the oldest trees...

Coalition seeks increased oversight at US Ecology facility: ‘We want transparency’

Foul smells and dust are problems for the people who live near the U.S. Ecology South hazardous waste facility in...

Bridge Detroit: Flood prevention relief trickles in

It's been more than a year since heavy rain flooded thousands of basements in Detroit. This year, city leaders said...

Project aims to find new ways to convert river water into drinking water as pollutants evolve  

The Great Lakes Water Authority is paying Wayne State University nearly $585,000 to develop a research project at its Waterworks...

U.S. Supreme Court ruling limiting power of EPA is “devastating,” climate scientist says

The United States Supreme Court’s ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency doesn’t have the power to regulate carbon emissions deals...

The Catch: Shoreline shipwrecks

This web article was previously published by The Catch. This month of The Catch features a look at shoreline shipwrecks in Michigan....

Tires producing more particle pollution than tailpipes

Anyone concerned about air pollution should take a look at the bottom of a vehicle. The biggest source of pollution...