Crossing the Lines: Walkerville Is Seeing a Resurgence

WDET reporters have been spending the past few weeks in Windsor, talking to residents as part of our “Crossing The...

Snyder Signs New Medical Marijuana Rules

WDET There will be new rules soon in Michigan governing how medical marijuana is grown, shared, and sold. Gov. Rick...

Levin Asks IRS to Audit Trump Foundation

The ranking Democrat on the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee is calling on the IRS to audit the Donald...

Who Knows What… About What’s Going On… Along The Waterways?

Scientists want to better coordinate environmental programs, data collection, and other efforts taking place along the waterway between northern Lake St. Clair and...

White House Launches Opioid Abuse Campaign Amid Reports Drug Companies Fighting Effort to Limit Prescription Painkillers

Quinn Klinefelter/WDET The Obama Administration is launching a national campaign this week to highlight the federal government’s fight to combat...

Immigration Conference Shows The ‘Welcoming’ Side of Michigan

"We cannot afford to close our doors, close our hearts or close our minds to immigration because it has been...

AAA Courts Non-Auto Owners As Potential Members

The first Automobile Association of America meeting in Michigan happened at the Detroit Athletic Club in 1916, when most people...

Will Windsor Become a Weed Empire? Experts agree by roughly this same time next year marijuana will be legal throughout the entire nation of Canada...

First New Streetcar to Arrive in Detroit This Week

The first of half-a-dozen streetcars that will carry passengers in Detroit arrives in the city this week. The 3.3 mile...

A Closer Look At Muslim Populations in Dearborn and Hamtramck

Jake Neher/WDET Metro Detroit is home to some of the most diverse communities in the country. Two communities in particular...

Lawmakers Say You Can Have Your Pot And Eat It, Too

Sandra Svoboda Medical marijuana clinics in Michigan would have to be licensed and pay sales taxes under bills adopted by...

Detroit’s Growth Brings Demand for More Environmental Law Attorneys

Businesses throughout Southeast Michigan are showing a need  for attorneys who specialize in environmental law. As a result, The Great Lakes...