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What does the term limits ballot measure mean for Michigan?

The federal government has done a lot of legislating recently. Between the Infrastructure bill, the CHIPS Act and the Inflation...

How a growing homeownership rate is good for Detroit

Census data recently revealed that a majority of Detroit residents are once again homeowners, not renters. Last week, we had...

The disproportionate impact of auto crashes on Black and Hispanic people

Many "accidents" that occur each day are not random — they are predictable and preventable. We navigate environments that large...

Homeownership surpasses renting in Detroit for first time in a decade

New census data suggests that, for the first time in a decade, Detroit is now a majority owner-city. It's an...

Detroiters will have a say in undoing I-375

Detroit — like so many cities across the U.S. — developed highways that pummeled through the homes and neighborhoods of...

Detroit Auto Show’s move to fall signals industry shifts

The Detroit Auto Show returns this week. While Detroit’s first Auto Show occurred in 1899, it is now an annual...

Chief Justice Bridget McCormack helped unite a divided Michigan Supreme Court

This week, Chief Justice Bridget Mary McCormack of the Michigan Supreme Court announced her decision to step down from the...

MSU president faces uncertain future amid controversy

It wasn’t long ago that Larry Nassar’s sexual assault cases — and Michigan State University’s gross mishandling of accusations against...

How the pandemic impacted violent crime trends

Violent crime has been increasing recently, but over the last four decades, crime and violent crime are way down. Between...

African-American and Mexican-American owned and operated farms to be featured at local event

The IDE Impolite Conversation podcast is a weekly podcast exploring culture, race and societal issues through the lens of culture...

The experiences of animals and our interactions with them

Animals are a rich part of many peoples’ life. But while they live beside us in our backyards, our parks,...

How cellphones affect our modern lives

The rise of smart phones in society is leading to more analysis of how the devices affect our lives. They...