Rep. Rashida Tlaib Staffer Is Named New Charter Revision Commissioner
Denzel McCampbell, Communications Director for Rep. Rashida Tlaib, will join the Charter Revision Commission after the previous Commissioner resigned.

The Charter Revision Commission will formally announce Denzel McCampbell, US House Rep. Rashida Tlaib’ communications director, as its newest commissioner during the full commission meeting tonight.
McCambell is filling the vacancy left by Laura Hughes, who announced her resignation last month in order to pursue another job opportunity, according to notes from the Detroit Documenters Program.
“I ran to create a governing document for the city that provides accountability, transparency, and civic participation tools for residents” – Denzel McCampbell, Charter Revision Commission

Per the bylaws, the commission must select the next eligible candidate who received the next highest number of votes during the election to fill the vacancy.
Denzel McCampbell, the communications director for US House Rep. Rashida Tlaib, finished 10th in the 2018 election, with five percent of the vote.
According to a statement provided by McCampbell, he wants to have the opportunity to help transform the way the city operates while also giving greater voice to Detroiters in the political process.
“In 2018, I ran to become a commissioner on the Detroit Charter Revision Commission to push forward a vision to create a governing document for the city that provides accountability, transparency, and civic participation tools for residents to truly have a say in our city government,” McCampbell said.
McCampbell will continue to serve in Tlaib’s office in the same role.
The Charter Revision Commission is tasked with proposing changes to the city charter that will be voted on by the citizens of Detroit. Currently, the revision process has been under fire over an ill-defined central mission, tensions between members and a lack of transparency in their operations.
McCampbell joins current board members are Carol Weaver, Nicole Small, JoAnna Underwood, Barbara Wynder, Karissa Holmes, Quincy Jones, Richard Mack and Tracy Peters. The full commission meets every second Tuesday each month.