Michigan House Approves Legislation to Help Residents Clear Criminal Records
The Michigan House approved a seven-package bill that lets returning citizens clear their criminal records of certain convictions.

Michigan lawmakers have approved legislation that would make it easier for people to clear their criminal records.
Expungement will apply to some marijuana-related offenses and most traffic convictions. The legislation also treats multiple felonies from one incident as one felony and creates automated expungement for certain felonies and misdemeanors. It could mean a lot to people struggling to find housing, employment and many other things that can be made much more difficult with a criminal record.
State Representative and House Judiciary Committee Chair Graham Filler joins Detroit Today’s Stephen Henderson to discuss the seven bill package, which was approved with bipartisan support but was not unanimous.
“People who get their records cleared up do better going forward,” says Rep. Filler. “They do better finding jobs, getting promotions, loans, housing, educational opportunities. That’s our number one goal for doing this.”
He adds that “when you get into the details, not many people take advantage of expungement in Michigan.”
Filler says he is thrilled the legislation passed through the House and now he’s focused on getting it through the Senate,